Affirming Doctrine, Building up Believers, Contending for the Faith

Lake Worth Publications ministry grew out of Dr. Locke’s burden for quality, sound books to challenge Christians and affirm Bible doctrine.

New Series Release

Jesus Is, Salvation Is, and The Bible Is.

Truths centered on Seven Essentials for Divine Forgiveness

Still a Baptist 
Now in Spanish! 

View ‘Todavia Bautista’

Jerry D. Locke – Staff Writer 

Jerry Locke is the former Pastor at Lake Worth Baptist where he Pastored for 33 years. God has allowed him to expand his ministry by authoring numerous books and dischipleship booklets, preaching and conducting seminars around the country and world, and spending time with his wife, children, and being Papa to his grandchildren.

God has been gracious to allow Bro. Jerry to continue to remain active preaching by the invitation of Baptist pastors far and wide.

View Bro. Jerry’s Preaching Schedule