The Gospel Truth

The Gospel Truth


The Gospel Truth

The confusion of our day regarding the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be overstated, nor the damage underestimated. When it comes to the gospel, eternity is at stake. With humility and courage, Pastor Locke doesn’t concern himself with trying to win arguments. His concern is not about making friends or enemies. It’s about honoring God and His Word and attempting to pass on to the next generation the only gospel that saves and keeps. 

The adjectives Pastor Locke uses to describe the various “gospels” are not intended to be pejorative, disrespectful, inflammatory, or injurious. They are used to simply categorize various “gospel” beliefs that exist in our day. While naming names, his intention is not to be malicious but truthful. “…Let God be true, and every man a liar…” Romans 3:4.

Some of the eighteen “gospels” include:
The purpose Gospel of Rick Warren
The Prosperity Gospel of the Charismatics
The Predestinarian Gospel of John Calvin
The Puzzling Gospel of the Emergent Movement
The Positive Gospel of Joel Osteen
The Popular Gospel of Oprah
The Primordial Gospel of Charles Darwin
The Pope’s Gospel of Catholics
The Patriarchs’ Gospel of the Jews
The Prophet’s Gospel of Islam

“The gospel you believe matters because only one gospel saves”


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