Todavia Bautista

Todavia Bautista


Still a Baptist – Now in Spanish!

Todavia Bautista – ni enojado ni avergonzado de ello

These are the profound and powerful truths which were the motivation for STILL A BAPTIST…neither angry nor ashamed of it. 

When Christ founded His church during His earthly ministry, He equipped and empowered it to accomplish its original purpose until He returns. 

The churches of the New Testament were local and visible. 

Christians and churches have existed in every age who have been committed to believer’s immersion upon the profession of their faith in Christ. 

The churches of the New Testament were all independent congregations with no organizations beyond individual churches. 

The Bible affirms that believers are born into the family of God, enter or inherit the kingdom of God and are added to a church of God.

Baptists are the offspring of the original Christians.

When Christians and churches refuse to be openly identified as something that are close to being identified as nothing. 

One of the highest earthly privileges is that God allows His obedient children to hold membership and serve Him in one of His churches. 

A Christians’ spiritual development after salvation is directly related to one’s connection with “the church of the living God.”


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